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Mei Gui Ba
Mei Gui Ba
Meigui Ba






The magnificent mountains of southwestern China shelter many valleys of various sizes.  Because travel on the rugged mountain paths was difficult, the villagers of Rose Valley seldom ventured out and visitors from the outside world were rare.  Life was predictable and largely peaceful, for hundreds of years.

On October 1, 1949, the victorious Chinese Communist Party declares a new republic and the start of a new era.  The new government relentlessly unleashes one political campaign after another -- Land Reform, Agricultural Collectivization, the Great Leap Forward, and many others, culminating in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution of 1966.  The remoteness of Rose Valley provides no insulation from the deliberate pervasiveness of the continuous Revolution, so each campaign washes over the inhabitants and threatens to drown them.


The modern turmoil of Rose Valley is the backdrop for a love story between Feng Dongming and Chen Sufen.  Dongming is a zealous revolutionary, assigned by the Communist Party to lead the village.  Sufen is widowed by the Revolution when her husband is executed for the crime of being a landowner; her sole inheritance is being permanently branded as an enemy of the people.  In a country divided into revolutionaries and class enemies, their love is ill-fated from the start.  Though Rose Valley is small and remote, the story of Dongming and Sufen is the story of the generation that built the New China.


中国西南的崇山峻岭中散布着很多大大小小的山谷,当地人称为“坝子”,玫瑰坝便是其中之一。这里交通不便,坝子里的人很少走出去,坝子外的人很少走进来。山民们孤陋寡闻。除了土匪和贪官污吏偶尔骚扰,他们的生活单调平静。 1950年,革命的大潮涌进了这个偏远的角落,使这里发生了翻天覆地的变化。



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